
This 6-week video series is crafted around six New Testament stories of people having life-changing collisions with Jesus taught by Collide’s Founder and Director, Willow Weston. Over the years at Collide we have seen thousands of women run into Jesus and be forever changed - and this is just what we hope for you too! As you go through this group video Bible study, we invite you to show up as you truly are, and allow space for others to do the same. We are certain that as you gather with your group you will collide with Jesus and experience life-changing conversations! 

This video study features the following video sessions: 

  • Risking Hope Again: This collision is from Mark 5:21-43 where Jesus stops for one woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve long years on His way to heal a dying 12-year-old. 
  • Finding the Courage to Rise Back up Out of Pain: This collision is from Luke 17:11-19 where Jesus collides with ten lepers and heals them and only one returns in gratitude. 
  • Breaking Free from the Things that Hold You Back: This collision is from Matthew 25:14-30 where Jesus tells the parable of the talents.
  • Jesus Doesn’t Hand Out Report Cards: In this collision in Matthew 4:18-22, Jesus utters His famous phrase “Come and follow me.” 
  • Moving Out of the Places That Keep You Stuck: This collision in John 5:1-14 takes place between Jesus and the man who was stuck as could be, waiting by the waters to heal him. 
  • Can God Handle my Mess and Pain? This collision is found in Mark 2:1-12, where Jesus collides with a paralyzed man who was lowered through a roof. 

What's included in this video Bible study?

Video Sessions

When you purchase this Bible study you’ll get unlimited access to the 6 video teachings, a printed leader guide book, and an individual digital guide for any of the people you invite into your group. We wanted to make this study as impactful and easy to use as possible so you can start a group with your friends, co-workers, or mothers and sisters in no time!


Host Book

The printed host book was crafted to equip you to lead a Bible study and provides step-by-step instructions for each week, ice breaker ideas, prayer, journal space, group announcement lists and hosts all the reflective questions that tie into each individual video. 

Individual Digital Guide

This free add-on guide was created so that each group member has a personal place for pre-study reflection and prayer. The rhythm of this study flows with a space to read Scripture, reflect and pray. And, all of that’s in this downloadable PDF guide that we’ll send you the link for, to share with your ladies!

We can’t wait for you to jump into all the amazing video sessions taught by Collide’s Founder and Director, Willow Weston. You can check out more details about each study below:

In a world where we can stand in a crowd and feel alone, do you feel known, heard, understood and met? We live in a time of profiles, passwords, identity fraud, social media stalking, selfies, swiping right and left, mass personalization, computerized customer service, efficiency, loneliness, loss of eye contact, increasing suicide rates and an ever increasing sense of feeling unknown. Everything feels so impersonal. Unconsciously many of us wonder with all that is going on in this big world, does God see what’s going on with us? Does He hear our prayers? Will He stop for us? Is He too busy? Engage this message and be impacted by just how personal and powerful God truly is.

Many of us are pain-avoiding experts. We push pain away. We ignore pain. We numb pain. If we feel pain, we try to pleasure it, distract it or pretend it's not there. We use trite answers in the hopes of making other people’s pain go away because we don’t know what to do with it. We try and fast forward the process pain invites. We protect ourselves from pain all the time. Listen to this study’s intriguing message that will challenge all the ways you could be missing out on life because you are trying to protect yourself from pain. The message will inspire your faith and your life in a way that will change the trajectory of your journey.

There are so many ways we keep ourselves small, hidden, held back. We dig holes and bury our dreams, our gifts, our talents. Be inspired and no longer held back. Come out of hiding and live the life you were made to live. This message speaks to what we all have in common - the desire for our lives to matter, to be purposed, and to make a difference.

So many of us have baggage around Jesus and the Church. We often feel as though our spiritual life is being graded by people and by God. We feel like people are rating us and we’ve even started rating ourselves. In this message, Willow Weston challenges us to look at following Jesus as an invitation rather than a report card. If you have spiritual hang ups with God, if you have been hurt by religion, and/or if you have lost your way and need your relationship with Jesus to be refreshed, listen to this message! You will come away feeling freed up to love God instead of bound to the pressures religion has put on you.

Everybody gets stuck sometimes. Women from every city, every socio-economic background, every race, every religion, every season and age in life get stuck. We often get stuck in addiction, bad habits, broken relationships, a lack of options, or feelings of powerlessness. We get stuck desiring to change a situation but not seeing it change, praying a million prayers and not seeing them answered. We get stuck in negative thought patterns, bitter feelings we can't seem to escape, or anger toward the church or the unhealthy roles we play in our families. This message is an invitation to get you unstuck. As you run into Jesus, He will help you recognize why you are there and He will move you from a place of feeling stuck to a place of feeling whole, freed and alive. 

It is so difficult to be real with others, to let them in, to give them enough room to hurt us. And yet God calls us to carry each other's burdens. And therefore we also must allow others to carry ours. This call of Jesus challenges all the ways we self-protect, all of the ways we avoid vulnerability, all of the ways we live independently. Be moved by this message and encounter what God can do when you allow others to carry you and what happens when you are brave enough to carry others.

See what other leaders are saying about leading Collide Bible Studies!

“Collide Bible studies feed my soul like no other study I’ve been involved with. Willow presents the material in a new and refreshing way with thought-provoking questions that spark rich conversation. I always leave the group feeling encouraged and challenged.” 

Michelle, a small group leader

​​“I have had the privilege of participating in and co- leading several Collide Bible studies with the same group of ladies over the past couple of years. It has been amazing to grow spiritually together through a pretty tumultuous time in all of our lives. What started as a group of acquaintances has grown into a close-knit sisterhood who openly share and feed into one another’s spiritual growth.”

Monica, a small group leader

Q. How long do I have access to the videos in this study? 

A. Good news! By choosing to invest in this Bible study, you will gain unlimited, lifetime access to its contents. 

Q. Will I get DVD’s of the Bible study? 

A. No, you will not receive DVD’s for this study. You’ll get access to the videos via the online Teachable platform and can access them with your username and password. From there, it’s easy to connect your computer to your TV with a HDMI cord.

Q. Do I need a log-in to access this study? 

A. Yes, you will receive a unique log-in upon signing up for the course.

Q. Can I purchase another leader guide book? 

A. Yes! If you would like to invite a co-leader to host with you, you can purchase another Host Guide book from the Collide store.

Q. How long does the average Bible study take? 

A. We suggest you plan on each week’s gathering being 2 hours. The videos are anywhere from 40-60 minutes, the discussion time is planned to be about 45 minutes, and it's nice to budget 15 minutes at the beginning and end for socializing and catching up.

This study is available for only $29.99!